About Krifa explained in English

We aim to boost your job satisfaction

We offer assistance and inspiration to all our members throughout their working lives.

We have more than 100 years' experience and 185,000 members. You can count on us to help you make the right choices. We are the largest Danish unemployment insurance fund and trade union open to all trades.

Choose the offer that suits you both personally and financially

No matter where you are in your working life we have an offer to suit you. We can offer both unemployment insurance and a variety of trade union services to match your particular needs. We also offer services for students, self-employed or seniors. Everyone is welcome with us, regardless of trade.

Trade union membership

You can acquire trade union membership from just DKK 150 per month. Depending on your chosen package, you can get legal advice over the phone, legal representation in court cases and many more benefits. You also get access to the services of our competent career advisers and job satisfaction consultants. At the same time you will be able to attend our various events and webinars which focus on all the things that may boost your job satisfaction. Please note that our events and webinars are held in Danish. However, you may call us for advice in English on tel. 7227 7227 all workdays from 08.00 to 18.00 hrs.

Unemployment insurance fund

You may obtain our unemployment insurance together with a trade union package to get the optimum security, but you may also take out unemployment insurance only. Our unemployment insurance fund can support you with benefits if you lose your job, assistance with your job seeking efforts, financial support for upgrading your skills, and a host of digital and mobile services. Please note that all this, and our future communication are held in Danish. You may also acquire our optional Pay Protection Insurance (Lønsikring), giving you up to DKK 21,000 in addition to your unemployment benefits if you lose your job. Find out more on tel. 7227 7227 all workdays from 07.00 to 18.00 hrs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • When will I qualify for unemployment benefits?

    As a wage earner, you must meet the following criteria in order to qualify for unemployment benefits:

    - You must have been a member of a Danish unemployment insurance fund ("A-kasse") for at least a year.
    - You must meet the minimum employment criteria of 1,924 hours of paid work if you have full-time unemployment insurance, and 1,258 hours if you have part-time unemployment insurance.
    - You must have been working under standard salary and employment conditions

    If you are in education, have just completed an education programme, or are self-employed, contact us for further instructions.

  • How do I register as unemployed?

    We have made a guide which explains the four steps you need to take to register as unemployed. It is important that you take these steps no later than on your first day of unemployment.

    See the guide here.

  • What should I do when I am going on maternaty leave?

    If you are in employment:
    If you are in employment, you are required to notify your employer about your pregnancy in accordance with the applicable notice periods:

    - The mother must inform the employer of her pregnancy at least three months before she is expected to give birth (due date)
    - The father or co-mother must inform the employer about his/her absence at least 4 weeks before the due date.

    If you are unemployed:
    If you are unemployed and are going on maternity leave, you must deregister as unemployed with the Job Centre and inform us no later than on the 1st day of your maternity leave. We will notify Udbetaling Danmark of your period of leave.

    Udbetaling Danmark is the public authority responsible for paying your maternity maintenance.

    - As an expecting mother you can go on maternity leave four weeks before your due date.
    - As a father or co-mother, you must notify us of your parental leave no later than on the day on which you wish to start your leave.

  • How does Pay Protection (Lønsikring) work?

    Krifa's Pay Protection insurance covers the beneficiary in the event of involuntary unemployment.

    You will qualify for payment if:
    - You have had Pay Protection insurance for 12 months
    - You have had 12 consecutive months of work before your unemployment
    - You did not receive your notice of termination within the first 12 months after taking out the insurance

    If you meet these criteria, you will be entitled to payment of DKK 1,000 – DKK 21,000 in addition to your unemployment benefits for 12 months of unemployment. The exact cover of your insurance will depend on your specific income at the time of taking out the insurance.

  • How do I apply for holiday allowance?

    As a customer you can apply for holiday allowance here. We recommend that you apply for your holiday allowance no later than one month before you plan to take your holiday if you want to be sure to receive the allowance before your holiday begins.