The EU regulation establishing the Single Digital Gateway (SDG) says that cross border users from other EU countries must have access to information and self-service solutions on, among other things, unemployment. 

In this guide, you can find information on how to fill out the unemployment insurance funds' (Krifas) online procedure regarding termination of your membership of the “a-kasse”.

It is important that you answer the questions correctly. It may have consequences for your entitlement to unemployment benefit if you provide incorrect information or fail to disclose circumstances of importance to your entitlement to unemployment benefit. Information which turns out to be incorrect may lead to claims for reimbursement of unemployment benefits and loss of rights.

If you find it difficult to find a specific question or word in the instructions, you can use the search function in pdf/word.

Please contact Krifa, if you have any questions or need help when completing the online procedure.

Terminate your membership of the 'a-kasse'

The Danish unemployment insurance system is a voluntary insurance scheme. This means that you are not automatically insured against unemployment when working in Denmark. 

Therefore, you have to join a Danish unemployment insurance fund – 'a-kasse' – if you want to be covered by unemployment insurance in Denmark. And when you no longer want to be a member of the 'a-kasse' you must send your resignation to the 'a-kasse'.

The notice of resignation is as a general rule the current month + 1 month. You can find the notice of resignation in the a-kasse's statute.

Working in EU/EEA Member States 

If you start working in one of the other EU/EEA Member States, you should probably be subject to the social security legislation in that country. In this case you can terminate your membership of the Danish “a-kasse” the same day, you start working in the other country. 

If you start working in a foreign country outside of EU, you can choose to continue your membership of the Danish a-kasse. 

When you have terminated your membership, you must no longer pay contributions to the 'a-kasse', and you will no longer be covered by unemployment insurance in Denmark. This means that you will no longer be entitled to unemployment benefits in Denmark in case of unemployment. 

If you want to terminate your membership, you have to send an e-mail or a written message to us. Be aware that you can’t terminate your membership by texting (SMS). 

Contact us for more information 

Please contact us if you have further questions. 

Below you will find some phrases and questions that you usually will be asked when you want to terminate your membership of the 'a-kasse' by filling in a form of resignation.

1. General


Below, you can find assistance in understanding the phrases and questions you will be asked when you wish to terminate your membership of Krifa. In the left column, it is written in Danish, and in the right column, it is written in English.

Udmeldelse af a-kassen Resignation from the unemployment insurance fund 
Vil du gerne melde dig ud?  Would you like to resign? Would you like to terminate your membership of the 'a-kasse' and in some cases also the union? 
Hvorfor vil du meldes ud?  Why do you want to resign? Why do you want to terminate your membership of the 'a-kasse'? 
Årsag til udmeldelse 
  • Jeg flytter til udlandet
  • Hvilket land skal du flytte til?
  • Flytter du til et andet EU/EØS-land?
  • Er du eller bliver du arbejdsløshedsforsikret i landet du flytter til?
  • Er du omfattet af landets obligatoriske arbejdsløshedsforsikring?
  • Fra hvilken dato?
  • Ophold eller arbejde i udlandet
  • Hvor har du fået arbejde eller ophold?
    • I et EØS-land
    • Uden for et EØS-land
    • Vælg land
Reason for resignation 
  • I'm moving abroad
  • Which country are you moving to?
  • Are you moving to another EU/EEA country?
  • Are you or will you be insured against unemployment in the country you are moving to?
  • Are you covered by the country's mandatory unemployment insurance?
  • From what date?
  • Stay or work abroad
  • Where did you get a job or residence?
    • In an EEA country
    • Outside an EEA country
    • Select Country
Jeg skal arbejde i udlandet 
Hvilket land skal du arbejde i? 
I'm going to work abroad 
Which country will you be working in? 
Jeg skal være selvstændig
Selvstændig erhvervsdrivende 
I am starting a new company and will be self-employed
Self-employed persons 
Jeg skal i fleksjob 
I'm starting in a flex job 
Jeg er bevilliget fleksjob  I'm starting in a flex job  
Jeg er visiteret til fleksjob  I'm starting in a flex job  
Jeg skal gå på pension 
  • folkepension,
  • førtidspension,
  • seniorpension,
  • tidlig pension,
  • selvpension,
  • privat pension


I'm retirering – I'm going to retire 
  • state pension/retirement pension
  • early retirement pension/supplementary disability pension
  • pension for some senior citizens
  • special early retirement
  • self-pension
  • private pension
Jeg træder ud af arbejdsmarkedet af andre årsager  I am leaving the labour market for other reasons 
Jeg ønsker ikke længere medlemskab af en a-kasse  I no longer want membership of an unemployment insurance fund 
Jeg er startet på uddannelse  I have started education 

2. Other


Below, you can find assistance in understanding the phrases and questions you will be asked when you wish to terminate your membership of Krifa. In the left column, it is written in Danish, and in the right column, it is written in English.

Jeg har opbrugt mine 5 års gratis studiemedlemskab  I have runed out of my 5 years of free student membership 
Studerende over 30 år  Student over 30 years of age 
Jeg er faldet ud af dagpengesystemet og vil derfor ikke betale til en a-kasse  I’m no longer entitled to unemployment benefits and therefore do not want to pay to an unemployment insurance fund 
Det er for dyrt at være medlem  It is too expensive to be a member 
Jeg forlænger mit studie  I am extending my study 
Andre årsager  Other causes 
Skal du overflyttes til en anden a-kasse?

Hvis du skal overflyttes til en anden a-kasse, skal du ikke meldes ud af a-kassen, men i stedet kontakte den nye a-kasse.  
Would you like to be transferred to another unemployment insurance fund?

If you are to be transferred to another unemployment insurance fund, you should not terminate your membership, but instead contact the new unemployment insurance fund. 
Udmeldelse af a-kasse og fagforening  Resignation from unemployment insurance fund and trade union 
Ring til os for udmeldelse  Call us to terminate the membership of the 'a-kasse' 
(Version 1. 23-11-2023)